Monday, February 11, 2008

Dusk 2 Dawn - well 1/2 D2D

On Saturday night I had a go at the Caboolture dusk til dawn event with the intention of doing 12 hours (slowly).The night was warm, humid and still. At the start time of 6pm it was still 28dec C, over 70% humidity and no wind.I started off way too fast for a 12 hour (11km/hour) and felt good enough not to take any walking breaks in the first two hours (2 big mistakes). To cut a long story short I got a rash between the groin and top inside part of the leg at about 5 hours and decided that I did not want to make this worse and I felt that if I carried on to do the full 12 hours that the recovery would be long enough to adversely affect training for the MdS.
I stopped at the 6 hour mark having completed approximately 54Km (I think). I ran the last 40 minutes with a guy called Keith (good name) and found that going much easier. He is an experieinced ultra person and was going at a pace that I should have been closer to. All in all I am dissapointed that I only managed 6 hours, but am pleased to have learnt a few more lessons about ultra running. During yesterday I was worried that the 6 hours may have taken too much out of me but this morning all seems fine - so back into training - where is that bloody backpack???
I have always had a great deal of respect for ultra runners, but after witnessing first hand the running of some of the indivuals on Saturday night I have even more respect. Well done to all participants.

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