Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A calf, a calf, my kingdom for a calf

Thurdsay 14, no running - rest day - a nice to have after a massage, legs felt nice and relaxed.

Friday did PCRG session 3 mins 30sec standing rec, x 2. return doing 4 mins 30 secs Jog rec and then finish - well nearly finish, we know what trainer Pat is like - 4 reps of Gold Coast hill - 4 I tell you. Session was great and it was great to catch up with some "old timers" who were coming back after injury/rest Legs were pretty shot for rest of the day, was going to run home but legs felt too tired.

Saturday morning did Pilates session at Revolution Fitness in Manly still the only male ever seen in the class but it does seem to be doing something. Legs still flet a little stiff from PCRG session

At 11:30am went out in very light drizzle complete with pack on that weighed in at 11kgs - heaviest that I had tried. Did 8km @ 6mins 15 pace when a sharp pain in left calf became evident. Stopped and walked a little but still experienceing discomfort, sat down and had a rest for 15 mins, tried walking but no better so gently dawdled home 3 and a bit Km in nearly 50 mins. Oh dear what have I done.

Remainder of Saturday, Sunday and Monday rested did usual RICE stuff but no easier (this is a good sign for me cause it normally means that the muscle is not damaged but there is a nerve issue).

Tuesday - Went to see Aimee at the Gabba - as usual got lots of pain as well as great advice, left calf still significantly weaker than right calf, need to strengthen it and quick - no running for 48 hours Aaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh
Still confident it will be OK shortly.

During the week I set up a web page/site for the Youngcare charity that my MdS adventure is raising money for. If you are intereset go to http://www.everydayhero.com.au/Keith_Sullivan for a peak at the way charities are starting to gather donations and specifically how you can contribute to this great cause. Cheers

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